“What Is The Purpose Of My Pain Lord?”

reedit faithful love

It’s so hard to sit and wait on God isn’t it?

To wait for him to move when we need movement……to exact justice when we need justice….to reward faithfulness when we’ve been faithful.

It’s so easy to be tempted to go it alone….but what about going deeper?

Going deeper is tough when it feels like everything is against us.

Rejecting the enemy’s lies.

Going to the word of God daily…sometimes numerous times.

Baring our hearts in prayer….over and over.

Waiting patiently while trying to have a faith attitude.

Being faithful in the small things when we want to give up.

All the above is what I call going deeper.

To be honest, this faith walk is miserable some days. And we know he sees our misery, but we forget it’s for a purpose.

The famines, the pits, the heartaches, the persecutions, the loss…all the negative that comes our way is allowed for many purposes.

The Lord showed me years ago that suffering brings me to the edge of my existence….I’m not living for this world….but for eternity. He has also shown me that many times I have invited suffering because of sin.

Yet the one purpose that keeps me coming back and seeking him with all my heart ….he wants to have a relationship with me…..and because of that one purpose….he has shown me how I desperately need him.

You see he is a relational God.

He’s not like the Greek mythology gods portrayed in books that look down from the sky and get their kicks by moving mankind around like chess pieces.

We are not sport to him….we are his creation….created to be in a love relationship….one on one.

Recently I texted two of my hairy, man boys, inviting them to dinner.  Now hairy, man boys will usually show up for a free meal; however, one replied yes while the other texted back a flimsy excuse.

When I miss my man boys, I want to see them; therefore, I am not above shaming if the need arises.

I replied back….  “The whole purpose in taking you to dinner is not necessarily to feed you….but to be with you.  We love and miss you.”

How’s that for the perfect guilt trip? It didn’t work…but it gets better. As we neared their house, I gave the 2 minute warning to be ready because we were arriving soon. I added this little tidbit to the message.  “Tell your brother that he will regret not going to dinner one day, when he can’t pick up the phone and talk to us ever again.”

I’m giggling as I type this….but it worked. I got to spend a little time with my stubborn, independent, hairy, man boys and it was sweet.

But this got me to thinking…..just like my “well intended momma manipulation”……God will do whatever it takes to draw us closer and closer to his side.

The illness that knocks us on our back and we can’t do anything but pray…..Oh the Father cherishes those tender prayers for help.

The persecution that makes us angry, takes our breath and drives us to cry out to him for justice. Oh the Father relishes in our acknowledgement that only he can exact justice.

The depression that locks us in darkness, straining to lift our heads up…..grasping for his unseen hand. Oh the Father delights that we know he is the only light to lead us out of the abyss.

The famine that is threatening our lives….robbing our peace…..dropping us to our knees in desperate prayer. Oh the Father takes joy in seeing us turn to him with our overwhelming circumstances.

When we quit trying to figure it out…..fix it, or stop reaching out to another flawed human for help ….and just turn to him….Can you imagine his joy?

Doesn’t it make us feel good as a parent, when only we can do for our children, like no other can?

So here we sit…. out of solutions. Tired of our own fixes. Our creativity, human thinking and resolutions are useless….and it’s only when we get to the end of ourselves that we can choose to go deeper with him.

Just like a momma missing her man boy babies, the Father will do whatever it takes to draw us closer and closer….even closer than we think we are. Why?

Because he loves us beyond comprehension and he wants to be in a crazy.…know me deeper….trust me greater….love relationship.

Whatever valley you find yourself in today…be it the depression, the famine, the sickness…the unknown circumstances…..can you go against your feelings…choose faith and believe that the Father is wanting more of you?

Tell me friend….are you willing to go deeper with the Father?

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you.”  Jeremiah 31:3

Worship the Father with Bethel Music….calling us to go deeper.